Monday, August 23, 2021

google scripting

Links: Google App Scripting

Another easy access from Drive. Go to "+" to create a new file, then down to "more" and you can open a script from there. The file extension is .gs.

This language is only a scripting level language, similar to, and based off of, JavaScript. The syntax is JavaScript similar although the methods are mostly unique to Google. Create a folder in your Drive for automations and then they'll handle these things for you. Each script appears to be attached to a particular file, so not sure what happens if one deletes the file itself.

Google Sheet interactions  (22:50) Ryan Stewart, 2017. SEO firm apparently. Some technical features of Google interactivity may have changed however work-flow is well demonstrated. Underlying scripts are only implied and not shared.
Introduction to Document Control Video Preview  (7:05) patonprofessional, 2010. Excellent overview of media types and uses within an organization.
Google App Scripts  (23:53) saperis, 2020. Ways to get the Google sheets to spawn and combine. Chanel Greco
Sheet formatting for teachers  (16:47) Hello, Teacher Lady, 2019. Starting around 11:00 gives complex report creation. Conditional formatting and merges.

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