Wednesday, November 2, 2022

stack developer

Basically want to be able to deal with front and back end

Let's tear into this supposed meme below...

Imagine numbers in front of each step and that's how I've ordered this page. At the bottom of the page is sandbox information, definitely needed to practice each item. Incidentally, it might be worth it to some to also learn COBOL, so I've added that beneath sandbox info, at the very end.

Languages (16:41) Fireship, 2022. Must watch at .5 speed. Learn Python, JS, and PHP, already know Bash, HTML and CSS. SQL seriously importante.
One person's journey (webpage) the path one person took.
Programming typification (18:54) Continuous Delivery , 2021. History of languages in a thorough format. Object vs function, vs polymorphism. "messaging". Structured programming prevents unstructured Goto's.
Language rankings (15:16) Clement Mihaelescu, 2022. Front-end dev self-legend (Romanian?) type PHP hater walks us through a ranking. Comments.

7. MongoDB and MySQL (20 days)

First of all, Barry Brown. That said, databases are more like 20 years than 20 days. Just learning normalization methods is a PITA and a relief (ohhhh) at the same time, for example.

Normalization (5:41) Crack Concepts, 2019. Thick accent: 0.5x speed. Simple explanation describing why to delete redundancy and use links (keys). CC has an entire series on normalization.
One person's journey (webpage) the path one person took.

8. GitHub and Git (18 days)

This might be more like a week, if it's a 7 day 56 hour week. 18 days would certainly allow more file check-outs and lazier pace of absorption, but let's at least cede back 9 days of time to other stages, if needed.

Git tutorial (25:14) Derek Banas, 2014. Typical Banas everything but the kitchen sink. 8:00 using a directory to be monitored. 14:00 what's changed. 18:00 add changes, delete files from monitoring.
One person's journey (webpage) the path one person took.

$ git config --global "Foo Fooslap"
$ git config --global
$ git config --global core.editor "nano"
$ git config --list
$ git help
$ git diff
$ git commit -a

9. REST API or AJAX (11 days)

Here's where the real joke exists in this meme. This is 365 days, not 11.


serving pages (localhost)

Typically will need to put in Apache, but rudimentary server is in PHP if just checking basic HTML and CSS setup

# pacman -Ss
# systemctl reload apache2

Localhost SSL (14:13) Ambar Hasbiyatmoko, 2017. Necessary to have a localhost Apache running, but how to do HTTPS? Of course, will need an SSL certicate. Has a few ommisions as to how to properly configure localhost so chromium won't complain but otherwise...
PHP without Apache (4:39) Jonah Lawrence, 2020. Uses a Bitnami cookie cutter. No SSL run through : can't do that with PHP's simplistic built in server but avoids Apache.


Don't really have a way to get it written to a page.

COBOL (2:13:58) Derek Banas, 2020.Comments indicate this is a sensible tutorial.