Thursday, October 12, 2017

Apache memory, SQLite backup and restore

Running one's (simple) personal-use HTML pages sometimes requires more than a browser, and so you gotta make a little sandbox. Reasons for posts here: 1) Little sandboxes nevertheless require Apache and PHP giants -- they must be minimized or they appropriate significant RAM and CPU desired for normal ops. 2) SQLite is useful, but should be backed up. How?

SQLite backup and restore

From this stack overflow page... "The safe way to backup is to run:
$ sqlite3 my_database.sq3
and then:
$ .backup backup_file.sq3
Result is copy of the database. It's different from regularly file copying, because it takes care of any users currently working on the database. There are proper locks set on the database, so the backup is done exclusively."

That's the proper way, but with one user (no worries about locks), simpler ways are available.


Apache: Main file httpd.conf. Problem: as noted at top, Apache combined with PHP can sip RAM incrementally. has pages of helpful forum question answers for a fine-grained approach. One particularly helpful overview is here.

In general for a sandbox, you only need a couple of connections. I set MaxClients (MaxRequestWorkers since Apache 2.4) to "5".

Another thing is to be sure to enable

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