Friday, May 24, 2024

real webdev

Honestly, we're needing to look at groupings of information knowledge. It's not just masters in statistics and math and database development, it's connecting these to an interface (web, phone), and then securing them.

We can also look at our own life in terms of a database, the way various government agencies probably do. If we view ourselves and other citizens as entities, attributes, and relationships. In the case of events or incidents, each one one of these might be an entity, eg a car accident, which is a singular event.


Masters in statistics, math, computer science, just to get into other classes.

Is discrete math the intersection of statistics and maths?


terminologies, relational, normalization,

database normalization (28:34) Decomplexify, 2022. simple examples and repairs on 1-5nf in RDBMS. columns (attributes), rows (entities). Design normalization can protect against things that cannot be logically true like two dates of birth. Eliminates data that disagrees with itself, and as a side benefit, redundant data.10:20 2nf deletion, update & insertion anomalies. 3nf 17:30 transitive dependency. 19:00 golden rule of boyce-codd.
relational terminology (8:48)Neso Academy, 2022. terminlogy for RDBMS.

sets of information

cobol, php (and whatever replaces it -- can it be done with python?)